Our run charts of results

More than 6 consecutive points above the median line  suggesting a non-random variation and significant change

An upward trend of 6 points showing sustained improvement continuing above median line thereafter

An upward trend of 6 points showing sustained improvement, continuing above median line thereafter and with 100% attainment in last 3 weeks

Fewer runs than chance suggests non-random variation and significant change

An upward trend of 6 points showing sustained improvement continuing above median line thereafter

An upward trend of 6 points showing sustained improvement continuing above median line thereafter

The above 6 run-charts show that there has been significant improvement in each of these criteria for safe discharge. 

This run chart shows 14 runs accross the median line. This suggests common cause variation and doesn't show any significant improvement as a result of the interventions initiated.

In all the safe discharge criteria improvement was seen but we are still to achieve our 95% target in 5 of the 7 domains - we're working on it!